Conditions We Treat at American Wellness and Chiropractic
Many suffer from some form of headaches including: migraines and tension headaches. Our Chiropractor offers a drug-free approach to headache & migraine relief.
Neck and shoulder pain can be the result of a strained muscle, injuries from a car accident, poor posture and more. Our chiropractor offers treatment for shoulder and neck pain.
Chiropractic care offers a non-surgical, medication- free approcah to treating back pain as a result of strains, skeletal irregularities, osteoporosis, bulging discs & arthritis.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome pain from compression of the median nerve in the forearm and hand, that often begins as weakness in the hand and pain through the wrist.
Our chiropractor can relieve injured tendon pain called Tendinitis as a result of overuse from sports injuries through chiropractic care.
Sciatica can result from an auto accident or sports injury. Our chiropractor can provide a chiropractic treatment plan to relieve the pain of sciatica.
Our chiropractor provides relief for Plantar Fasciitis, heel and foot pain through stretching, joint manipulation to bring foot bones back into alignment.
Chiropractic care can treat the many injuries that can result from a car accident whiplash, spinal misalignment, headaches, neck and back pain.
Chiropractic care has been effective in treating sports injuries like soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains and tears by addressing the underlying causes.